『マイケル ~バングラデシュからのメール』 No.3512

Dear Naka sama,
Can you remember me? I'm Michael from Bangladesh. Long time no see. I miss you very much.

Okarada wa ikaga desu ka?
I've visited Japan last year. I really wanted to me you. Even I visited your house. But unfortunately you were not there. I'm sorry! I cannot meet you that time.

Nextnews, now I can speak Japanese a lot. Pray for me.
If you have time, please visit Bangladesh.






Dear Michael
Michael、Long time no see. Gennkide yatte orareru kototo omoimasu。

I remember Very nostalgically Michael being guided to various places in Bangrdesh .


I am very busy now. I want to go but I can not go.

Michael,when you come to japan next time,Please stay at my house slowly.

See you Soon